Biomechanics Activity Analysis: Eating

When using utensils to eat, I make the motion of bringing my fork toward my mouth.

The starting position of my right arm is by my side with my elbow fully extended and hand turned in towards my thigh. It is in the sagittal plane about a frontal axis. Next, I would bring my arm up to the table to grab my fork. Once I have my food on the fork, I would bring it towards my mouth to eat it. In doing this, I am flexing my elbow. This ending position is also in a sagittal plane about a frontal axis. Afterwards, I extend my elbow back down towards my plate to get more food. I continue these motions of flexing and extending my elbow repeatedly until I am done eating.

In terms of Osteokinematics, I am going from elbow extension to flexion in an open kinematic chain. In terms of Arthrokinematics, my radius and ulna are both concave and rolls/glides on the convex head of the humerus.

The prime movers for elbow flexion are your biceps brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. They make a concentric contraction.


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