OT settings that interest me

     I've always said that I would like to work with children or children with intellectual disabilities. I feel as if this is the population that I'm most educated on and most passionate about. Maybe a school setting or a non-profit type of place would be very fun! Then again, I really would like to keep my options open, and have an open mindset on different populations. I know throughout grad school we will have opportunities to work in different settings which very much excites me. Also, I was intrigued today about the "community practice" setting that we talked about for OT areas of practice that are trending. That seems like a lot of fun to me, and something that can really make a difference in someone's life. Whether they are homeless, been in jail, been through abuse, or whatever the case may be they definitely need an OT's help in some shape or form. I think bringing OT into the community is very important so this did stick out to me today.
     I have always loved older folks/ geriatric type settings as well. It seems that I have a passion for the young kids, as well as older people, so I'm a little bit torn on which setting would be best for me. I know that these two populations are very different as well which is so interesting that I'm torn between the two. I think that if I'm passionate enough about making a difference, then either population could work. At this stage of school, I honestly can say that I'm not exactly sure what type of population or setting I want to work with, but I know I will figure it out!


  1. Hi Allison! It's a good idea to keep an open mind as you go through OT school :)


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